Execs: You aren’t immune to hackers
Leaders in organization hold the most important company information, trade secrets, and even other employee’s information.
Recently, a White House prank turned into a security concern when White House officials divulged personal information to the so-called prankster. A UK man used a spear phishing campaign to target high-ranking officials who actually gave out personal emails and responded to his messages.
As this recent White House prank reveals, the most powerful people in America and our country’s enterprises are vulnerable to hacks; everyone’s human. Sometimes those victims of pranks or breaches aren’t always sure what to do and are often more disconnected from what SHOULD be done.
Due to this recent White House prank, we’ve put together a few phishing myth busters:
Myth 1: I am the CEO, no one is going to try to get credentials from me, and if they did I would know it!
Fact: As the CEO you are a PRIME target. Truth is, EVERYONE wants to get your credentials and you offer the most gain to hackers.
Myth 2: My email is proof of who I am.
Fact: If you think your email address is a unique identifier to who you are, think again. With today’s technology, anyone can set up a mail server to send emails that look as though they have come from you.
Myth 3: Spam filters detect ALL phishing messages
Fact: Although spam filters play an important role in blocking phishing emails, they can’t stop them all. With consistent changes and new technology at the hands of hackers, phishing emails are bound to creep into your inbox.
Here’s how to avoid being victim of a phishing campaign:
- First and foremost, realize everyone can be targeted and educate your team on what suspicious items to look for including: misspellings in email body copy, unfamiliar links and unfamiliar email addresses.
- Change your password regularly. We typically recommend every 90 days.
- Type in even the sites you trust. For example, we can act like we’re sending you to www.google.com, but if you click that link it will take you somewhere else. (This link is safe, but the ones phishers use may not be…)
- Make sure your spam filter and endpoint protection software is up to date
And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us: 216-255-3043.